Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Well today is Mother's Day so for all the Mothers reading this, know that I appreciate what you do and have done for me and for your children. I love my Mom very much and have only spoken with her briefly today. She is awesome and I am very grateful for her. At church today, we had some really great talks about Mothers. The first talk was given by Thomas in the Spanish house. I can echo a lot of the things that he said about his mother because they apply to my mom, too. She is always checking up on me to make sure that I have everything I need from hangers in my closet to food in my fridge. I know I annoy her sometimes with my quirks, I am just trying to be what she and my Heavenly Father want me to be. Sorry about not posting last week, I got caught up in other things, I guess. I have decided to not take Physiology until I take some Chemistry, but right now I am wondering if that was the right decision. Chem 105 is killing me. It is just a General Chemistry class, but it taking up most of my time right now. Between that, Stats 221, Working with Brother Minert and at the MTC teaching German to a group of Missionaries, life is pretty busy. But I can not complain. It is simply too wonderful of a life. Yes it is hard at times, (most of the time right now) but I know that my Heavenly Father is always there and that He is watching over and protecting me. He is giving me strength to do things I did not think possible (like Chemistry Homework). Anyways, I am grateful for all of you and hope your week goes amazingly well. Have a wonderful week, because it should be. It's a wonderful Life!

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