Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas you wonderful, old, Blog!

No, I haven't forgotten about posting, I just have been busy and well, I have a facebook now, but that is no excuse. I have successfully finished finals, but that doesn't mean that I did well. Oh well, such is life. I have been invited to teach seminary part time next semester and that is something that I am looking forward to. It will be a good experience I think. I also have watched "It's a Wonderful Life" twice this year, once on the big screen, one Jimmy Stewart's original film reel that he donated to BYU a long time ago. It was awesome! Then I watched it the next weekend with some other friends in their living room. I can almost completely quote the whole thing. Its pretty wonderful! Anyways, I guess the biggest thing right now is its Christmas. I hope that we can keep this in mind. Christmas is not just on December 25th, rather it is right now, it is a season, not just a day. Jesus Christ was born over 2 thousand years ago, to save us from the woes of sin. I am so grateful for that. The Christmas Story, as found in Luke 2 is true. It really happened. Jesus Christ came to earth and lived for us, He suffered for us, He died for us, and He lives again for us. He makes it possible for us to live again. That is the most wonderful thing in life. I love it! Until next time, Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Story

This is the cutest rendition of the Christmas story ever! I love it! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us!

That was a truth that was reaffirmed for me this weekend.  I was praying with the Sister Missionaries that I am working with at the Missionary Training Center and all it took was for me to say the words, "Father in Heaven."  Just that word "Father" helped me to realize that I really do have a loving Father in Heaven who really is aware of ME and what I am going through.  He loves me and I just think that is wonderful.  He loves you, too, so I hope you don't forget that!

Sanctify Yourselves

Great Video about the power of the Priesthood from Elder Holland!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"On Dealing With Uncertainty"

I just read a talk from Elder Bruce C. Hafen called, "On Dealing with Uncertainty."  My Dad suggested that I read it and well, its not that things are clearer for me, but I feel I have more direction in how I react to situations.  I hope that makes sense.  I still have much work to do and the semester will continue to be busy, but I know that I can do it.  It's a wonderful thing to be here on the edge of the rest of my life. It is scary, but it is wonderful. Have a great week!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Week of School

Well, this was quite the eventful week.  I started school again.  It is going to be a busy but good semester.  I began volunteering at the Now I Can Foundation which is an intensive Physical Therapy Clinic for those with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological disorder.  They really know how to work miracles there in helping people to be able to do things that we don't even give a second thought to, like walking and sitting down and standing up.  It's really remarkable.  I continue to volunteer at the Utah State Hospital which continues to be a good experience.  I am continuing to work on Applications, but really need to intensely focus on getting them done here in the next week or two before things get crazy busy. BYU football won yesterday over Ole Miss, 14-13 and it could very well have been more.  A win is a win, though.  I attended my new ward today and I was a little tired and irritable due to fasting, I guess.  It seems like a great ward, though and I know it will be a great experience getting to know new people and making new friends.  I bore my testimony about doing hard things. I shared the scripture from Alma about the Sons of Helaman where it says that they had never fought, yet they did not fear death for they knew if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.  That is live, I think.  God will deliver us or help us or lead us through the tough times.  He is always there, and He will carry us.  Dad was released from the Branch Presidency this week, too. What a great blessing it has been for me and our family for Dad to be serving in that capacity.  I know he loves the Young Single Adults and he loves the Lord.  I love my Heavenly Father so much.  I was blessed this week to be able to help a few people as they were moving things to their apartments.  Thanks so much to Mom and Dad for letting me have the truck up here.  It truly has given me the opportunity to serve other people.  I think that is all I want to write for this time, just know that God lives and love everyone of you, especially you honey!  And that is a wonderful thing!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Grace Shall be as your Day!

I just listened to a BYU Devotional from Brad Wilcox about Grace and the Atonement.  Christ does not make the difference, He is the difference.  We are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.  I believe that whole-heartedly and know that to be true.  Christ does not expect us to earn our way into Heaven.  That is impossible for us to do.  He is showing us the way to prepare ourselves for Heaven.  Brother Wilcox calls it being changed by Grace.  We are preparing ourselves to be comfortable in the presence of the Lord.  We will not begging the Lord to let us come into Heaven, rather He will be begging us to stay with Him. I just thought this was a really wonderful talk and wanted to share it here.  You can find it at  Hope you enjoy! It really makes life much more wonderful.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

News Flashes!!!

Spring Term is over, Summer starts tomorrow and I am excited for my classes.  BYU Lacrosse won their 4th MCLA National Championship.  Sarah Bickford is engaged. I think that is about it.  Stay tuned for more wonderful news from the life of Russell Michael!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hello World!

This is just another note to update you all on my life.  However, I do have a facebook now, so I guess you can look me up there.  My wonderful, amazing friend Anke said that I should mention her here, so here is my shout-out to her. Anke's so cool!  This coming week I have a couple of tests and a research paper, so I have a lot of things to do. But I have also started running some more which is a good outlet and very uplifting to get out and get some physical activity.  Well, I know that is short, but I hope it is also sweet and to the point.  I love you all and remember that life is wonderful!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quick Note

Its late, I have class tomorrow, and I should go to bed. But I just wanted to say that I am grateful for the Temple.  It is such a blessing to know that the ordinances that are performed there allow us as families to be together forever.  I know that that is possible.  I know that there are hardships and trials that we face in this life and that we can overcome them and learn from them.  That doesn't mean they aren't hard or that we should look for hardships or trials, but I know they can be overcome.  Life is truly wonderful.  Don't you forget it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long overdue Post

Well, here we are, daylight savings is approaching and I have not written but one time the entire year.  Sorry for that.  I still think life is wonderful, it just gets busy sometimes.  Jacob is now in Tonga, Hillary is in Portugal, Mom, Dad and Ellen are  The Semester has been a good one.  I have been staying busy with school and work.  I have a great district of 8 Elders all headed to Berlin.  They are full of life and love for the Gospel.  Speaking of love, Russell T.Osguthorpe spoke yesterday and it was all about motivation.  He said love has to be our motivation in all that we do.  What would the world be like if we were only motivated by love?  What an interesting question.  It certainly would be a more wonderful place.  I think that is all I will write for today, but I will make an effort to be more regular in my writing.  Until next time, remember that life is indeed wonderful!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A brand new Year!

Happy 2011! I apologize I have not written for some time, but I am back and will seek to be more consistent as the year progresses.  Another semester of BYU has begun and I am excited.  I was not that excited when I first got back, but I am feeling better about being back now that I have been able to see more friends and members of my ward.  My classes are going to be great. I have a few more blocks of time in my schedule where I will be able to volunteer with groups on campus or at a PT office or somewhere like that.  I think it will be good.  I also have a few more nights free, ok, one more, but maybe that will open up date opportunities.  We'll see.  Anyways, I went to church today and I am just so grateful for the talks given there about being a good example. I have been very blessed to have many wonderful examples of living the gospel in my life.  My roommates are all examples to me of that and of the power of the Atonement.  I love it!  I am so grateful for 2 siblings who are serving faithfully on missions and who are examples of the faith for me.  Keep up the good work you two!  Bishop Ashton and Evan Pressely, the Elder's quorum president are also two great examples of keeping the faith in the face of extreme adversity.  Bishop Ashton's wife had breast cancer and therefore had some very intense chemo therapy that has been successful, but she is still suffering the effects of it physically.  Yet Bishop Ashton continues to be faithful in coming to church and helping and counseling the members of our congregation.  Evan Pressely was in a car accident over the Christmas break and had to have surgery that has left him on crutches and unable to move anywhere very quickly. Yet he continues to do his school work, care for the members of the Elder's Quorum and develop a great relationship with his steady girlfriend.  I hope that is not divulging too much into his personal life, but I just really admire and look up to these two great men for their examples to me.  Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the quorum of the 12 apostles gave a great Fireside talk this evening about taking things one day at a time.  Too often we fret over the huge big picture that looms before us.  If we take it one brush stroke at a time, things will work out.  What a great blessing that is.  So, those are just some of the thoughts I've been having today and I just wanted to share them with you all.  Life really is wonderful and yes, it is a tragedy, because I did not watch "It's a Wonderful Life" this Christmas season.  I know, I need to do that still.  Sorry, I still think it's a wonderful movie and worth watching throughout the year.  Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a WONDERFUL year of 2011!