Sunday, January 9, 2011

A brand new Year!

Happy 2011! I apologize I have not written for some time, but I am back and will seek to be more consistent as the year progresses.  Another semester of BYU has begun and I am excited.  I was not that excited when I first got back, but I am feeling better about being back now that I have been able to see more friends and members of my ward.  My classes are going to be great. I have a few more blocks of time in my schedule where I will be able to volunteer with groups on campus or at a PT office or somewhere like that.  I think it will be good.  I also have a few more nights free, ok, one more, but maybe that will open up date opportunities.  We'll see.  Anyways, I went to church today and I am just so grateful for the talks given there about being a good example. I have been very blessed to have many wonderful examples of living the gospel in my life.  My roommates are all examples to me of that and of the power of the Atonement.  I love it!  I am so grateful for 2 siblings who are serving faithfully on missions and who are examples of the faith for me.  Keep up the good work you two!  Bishop Ashton and Evan Pressely, the Elder's quorum president are also two great examples of keeping the faith in the face of extreme adversity.  Bishop Ashton's wife had breast cancer and therefore had some very intense chemo therapy that has been successful, but she is still suffering the effects of it physically.  Yet Bishop Ashton continues to be faithful in coming to church and helping and counseling the members of our congregation.  Evan Pressely was in a car accident over the Christmas break and had to have surgery that has left him on crutches and unable to move anywhere very quickly. Yet he continues to do his school work, care for the members of the Elder's Quorum and develop a great relationship with his steady girlfriend.  I hope that is not divulging too much into his personal life, but I just really admire and look up to these two great men for their examples to me.  Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the quorum of the 12 apostles gave a great Fireside talk this evening about taking things one day at a time.  Too often we fret over the huge big picture that looms before us.  If we take it one brush stroke at a time, things will work out.  What a great blessing that is.  So, those are just some of the thoughts I've been having today and I just wanted to share them with you all.  Life really is wonderful and yes, it is a tragedy, because I did not watch "It's a Wonderful Life" this Christmas season.  I know, I need to do that still.  Sorry, I still think it's a wonderful movie and worth watching throughout the year.  Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a WONDERFUL year of 2011!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are wonderful. I think that movie was in your stocking this year--maybe on a free night this week you can upload it to your i pod and watch it while you volunteer at the pt assignment or when you walk to work or when you are studying--or...maybe just for fun.
    night. xoxo
