Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's the most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Well, I apologize that I have not written in a while.  I have been busy the past couple weeks.  I have to keep this one short too because it's late and I need to go to bed.  I have finals this week and that means two things, lots of studying and I get to go home when it's all said and done! Yay!!! I am pretty excited to be spending Christmas with my family.  Speaking of Christmas, I love this season.  The music, the lights, the Spirit, the trees, the smells, the food, and so on and so forth.  Anyways, I have a new district of Missionaries right now.  There are 3 of them and all are doing great.  The are all headed to the Alpine German Speaking Mission and are going to be great.  Hillary only has like 9 days left in the MTC or something like that.  I cannot believe that.  She is going to be so great.  She is going to really do amazing things there in Portugal.  I am excited for her.  Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of the Savior, but I would hope that we remember Him every day of our lives.  He lives.  I know that and am very grateful for that.  Today at church we sang, "I head the Bells on Christmas Day" and it was just so touching to see the contrast between the third and fourth verses.  "Then in despair I bowed my head, there is no peace on earth I said, for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth good will to men."  What a sad verse!  How disheartening that is.  And yet then comes the next verse, "Then pealed the bells both loud and sweet, God is not dead nor doth he sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, good will to men."  How comforting it is to know that Christ came to the earth.  He died for us, but He lives.  I know that to be true and invite you to find that out for yourself as well.  It will truly change your life and make it that much more wonderful!

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