Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas you wonderful, old, Blog!

No, I haven't forgotten about posting, I just have been busy and well, I have a facebook now, but that is no excuse. I have successfully finished finals, but that doesn't mean that I did well. Oh well, such is life. I have been invited to teach seminary part time next semester and that is something that I am looking forward to. It will be a good experience I think. I also have watched "It's a Wonderful Life" twice this year, once on the big screen, one Jimmy Stewart's original film reel that he donated to BYU a long time ago. It was awesome! Then I watched it the next weekend with some other friends in their living room. I can almost completely quote the whole thing. Its pretty wonderful! Anyways, I guess the biggest thing right now is its Christmas. I hope that we can keep this in mind. Christmas is not just on December 25th, rather it is right now, it is a season, not just a day. Jesus Christ was born over 2 thousand years ago, to save us from the woes of sin. I am so grateful for that. The Christmas Story, as found in Luke 2 is true. It really happened. Jesus Christ came to earth and lived for us, He suffered for us, He died for us, and He lives again for us. He makes it possible for us to live again. That is the most wonderful thing in life. I love it! Until next time, Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas you old building and loan...what's that line.
    We love you .

  2. I love it!!! Congrats on Seminary, you're gonna be great! I have a blog too...its in case u wanna join:). Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks Russell! Frohe Weihnachten and drive safely!
