Sunday, January 8, 2012

Last Semester

Well, here we go. A new semester, my last at BYU. I am excited, nervous, ready for it to be over, but not ready to move on. I have a lot going on. I will be teaching Seminary at UCAS which is a great opportunity. Still not sure how or why I was chosen out of the other very capable applicants and classmates that I had. I have 9 credits of class and am still trying to work everything out so that I can get everything done. I am starting to train for a marathon in June. I went for a run yesterday that ended up being 11.5 miles long. I have not run that distance since I ran a half-marathon back in April of 2009. It was a good run, but I need to get my nutrition down so that I have the energy to run that long. Jacob has been on his mission for a year now. His birthday is on Saturday. Ellen's was on Friday. She is now 17. There was a wonderful CES fireside tonight given by Elder Jay E. Jensen. It was all about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. About the importance of this gift in our lives. Marriage, as it often is, was brought up again. I asked myself in my notes why I am postponing marriage? Why am I so non-committal? I don't seem to have an answer yet, so I will just keep on searching. Aunt Rachel used to say that Happiness is a Choice. Elder Jensen addressed the topic of choice a little bit. He reminded us of the importance of making choices in our lives. We have been given the gift of reasoning and need to use this gift to make a decision and then take it to the Lord. He will not let us go too far from the path before He will call us back. If we do not feel that we have received an answer, then we press forward to the best of our abilities, doing the best that we can. It was a very good devotional and really brought me to ponder on life, death, and the universe (Thats a shout out to lil sis Ellen). So, what am I going to do? How can I better have the Spirit in my life. Read the Scriptures, Pray Daily, Attend the Temple, Listen, listen, listen...I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" three times this year. That was fabulous! Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said, "Come What May and Love It." I know that to be a true saying. It's a wonderful time to be alive. Don't forget that! Love you!

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