Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Week of School

Well, this was quite the eventful week.  I started school again.  It is going to be a busy but good semester.  I began volunteering at the Now I Can Foundation which is an intensive Physical Therapy Clinic for those with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological disorder.  They really know how to work miracles there in helping people to be able to do things that we don't even give a second thought to, like walking and sitting down and standing up.  It's really remarkable.  I continue to volunteer at the Utah State Hospital which continues to be a good experience.  I am continuing to work on Applications, but really need to intensely focus on getting them done here in the next week or two before things get crazy busy. BYU football won yesterday over Ole Miss, 14-13 and it could very well have been more.  A win is a win, though.  I attended my new ward today and I was a little tired and irritable due to fasting, I guess.  It seems like a great ward, though and I know it will be a great experience getting to know new people and making new friends.  I bore my testimony about doing hard things. I shared the scripture from Alma about the Sons of Helaman where it says that they had never fought, yet they did not fear death for they knew if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.  That is live, I think.  God will deliver us or help us or lead us through the tough times.  He is always there, and He will carry us.  Dad was released from the Branch Presidency this week, too. What a great blessing it has been for me and our family for Dad to be serving in that capacity.  I know he loves the Young Single Adults and he loves the Lord.  I love my Heavenly Father so much.  I was blessed this week to be able to help a few people as they were moving things to their apartments.  Thanks so much to Mom and Dad for letting me have the truck up here.  It truly has given me the opportunity to serve other people.  I think that is all I want to write for this time, just know that God lives and love everyone of you, especially you honey!  And that is a wonderful thing!

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