Sunday, July 11, 2010

One Year Anniversary

Well, one year ago to the day, Josephine and I had our adventure on the Provo River where she got hypothermia and we had to take her to the hospital. This year, I decided to not do something so intense. Instead I went to church, heard many great talks about the importance of the Temple Interview and was able to get all of the Sunday School classes staffed with teachers. The past two weeks, since I last wrote have been full of ups and downs and ups and downs. The Fourth of July was great. The fireworks were fun and the testimonies shared in Fast and Testimony meeting were very uplifting. The new missionaries are not new anymore, but are learning both the German Language and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. President and Sister Thompson are now home and so next week, when they give their homecoming talk, we will go and see them. I am looking forward to that very much. I also heard from Klaus and Solange Gloeyer a couple from my last area in Altona. Solange is from Brazil and has met Hillary, so when Hillary gets back from Portugal, they will be able to converse with each other. Pretty exciting, huh? Well, I said that there had been ups and downs, but through it all, I think the Lord has been carrying me. I need to turn to Him more. Today's lesson in Priesthood was on the Atonement and well, I guess too often I try to white knuckle it and do everything on my own. That is not how it works and I cannot do it on my own. I need the Atonement and well, I am learning that more and more. Alright, I think that is all I have to write for now. I will try to write again next week, on the one year anniversary of my adventure to Salt Lake. Until then, have a wonderful week.

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