Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just a Weekly Message

Nothing particularly over the top exciting for this week.  I had two exams and was able to do pretty well on them.  I have another one coming up this week.  We'll see how that goes.  I will have to take it before I come home on Friday for my sister Hillary's going on a mission talk.  She will be preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ for 18 months in the wonderful country of Lisbon Portugal.  How exciting for her.  She will be an amazing missionary.  I am excited for her, but also saddened.  I will miss her but know that she will be doing the Lord's work.  My brother Jacob received a mission call this week to go to the island of Tonga.  How great is that! He leaves in January and again, I will be sad to see him go, but feel that he will be an amazing missionary.  What an exciting time for my family.  I love them very much and am so grateful for them.  I need to tell them that more often.  This past weekend (the first weekend of October) we had General Conference where the Prophet and 12 Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke to the world.  You can see what they said on  Their messages were great.  I particularly liked what Elder Holland shared about the individual.  The Lord truly is concerned with the individual.  It is all about the one.  In 3 Nephi 11 (a book in the Book of Mormon) it talks of Jesus Christ's visit to the Americas after his resurrection.  It says that the people went to feel the prints in his feet, hands, and side, but they did so "one by one."  What a powerful message that is.  Salvation is a personal, one on one experience.  I know that is true and I hope I am not sounding too preachy, I just feel very strongly about that and wanted to share that with everyone who reads this blog.  Jesus Christ lives and I just think that is wonderful!

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