Sunday, July 19, 2020

Slow Down

Molly and I were able to go camping this weekend and it was beautiful! Of course, we practiced social distancing and while we wanted to go kayaking, the kayaks were all rented by the time we arrived at the lake. That being said, the views were wonderful. It was nice to get away from home, even if it was for just a little while.

Today, we were able to go to church and then spent the day at home. During the course of the day, we listened to a prerecorded broadcast from the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. One of the songs featured an artist named Sissel. The name of the song she and the choir performed was called, "Slow Down." These 2 experiences, namely the camping trip and the musical number served as a good reminder for me to take time to see the beauty around me. In this time of uncertainty, it can be very easy to focus on things that are scary. It can be easy to focus on what is going wrong. When I decided to start this blog, one of the purposes was to show that there really is a lot of good to be seen in the world. I think taking to heart this phrase can be helpful in seeing the good that is all around us:
"Slow down and hear His voice And know that He is God." 

What a powerful reminder! I think it is okay and even encouraged to acknowledge when things are not going well. I think we are all going to have disappointments and hardships in life. But, never forget who is watching over you, namely a loving Heavenly Father. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk entitled, "Things That Matter Most." In it, he highlights that trees and pilots alike, when facing difficult circumstances, slow down to get through the hard times. He said, "If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most." What better time to take stock of how we are doing, than now. In a time of global pandemic and social distancing, why not look to the Lord and seek His guidance about what matters most? I know He will answer and if you listen, He will share with you what He would have you do. Isn't that a wonderful thing to consider?

Have a wonderful week!


PS Here is the video of Sissel singing with the choir