Sunday, June 17, 2012

San Angelo, Texas

I have arrived safely to San Angelo and begun my study at Angelo State in pursuit of a Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Is it going to be difficult? Of course. Do I sometimes wonder what I have got myself into? Absolutely. Am I going to make it? YES! I have sometimes been asking myself if this is what I should be doing or if this is what I even want to do. I have been questioning my decision to move 18.5 hours away from Mom and Dad and things that are familiar to me. Even the 11.5 hour flight to Germany felt more comfortable than this sometimes. But then I think about it and how everything has worked out right for me to be here at this time. And I am reminded of the tender mercies of my Heavenly Father and realize that it will work out for the best. It may be lonely sometimes, but it wont be all the time. I really appreciate President Uchtdorf's talk, "You Matter to Him." The town of Big Spring, where he did his pilot training, is about 1.5 hours from San Angelo. I sympathize with his feelings of inadequacy as he lived there. I know that things will work out in the end. Heavenly Father is wonderful and very aware of us and our situations. Elder Bednar has said something to the effect of honor you covenants, keep the commandments, be a good boy and the decisions you make will be spiritually led. I love the Lord and know that because of Him, it is a wonderful life!

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