Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is just a really cool video from President Hinckley. Go make someone's day!


"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice!"

Hillary talked this past week about how she was able to hear Elder Scoot as he spoke at the MTC.  I remember that he also came and spoke as I was in the MTC, twice actually and I was able to shake his hand.  What a great blessing that was.  Today at church, we had stake conference, or a larger gathering for a few of the congregations here in the area.  Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles came and spoke to us.  What an amazing blessing it was to hear him speak.  I will give a brief summary of the meeting and what was talked about.  First, a woman by the name of Kristy Rogers stood up and spoke about how this time in life is a time of decision making.  We pray and ask for Heavenly Father's help in doing things but we ask to be shown the entire next chapter of our lives.  Instead, Heavenly Father shows us only the next few sentences, or lines.  That was kind of eye-opening for me.  It gives a whole new perspective to line upon line, precept upon precept. That is how the Lord has always taught us, so it makes sense that He would continue to teach us that way.  President Brenchly then stood up and spoke about hope and faith. In the Bible Dictionary of the LDS King James Version of the Bible, Faith is said to be a confidence in something or someone.  That led me to the thought, "How many Times has the Lord let you down?"  It has never happened.  When we put our trust in Him, He will guide us and help us every step of the way.  He never lets us alone.  What a great blessing that is.  The next speaker was Elder Kevin J. Worthen of the Seventy.  He spoke about Trusting Jesus.  He told the story of a little 4 year old girl who one day came up to her mother holding some papers.  She gave those paper to her mother and said, "Mommy, do you know what these are?"  The Mother replied, "No I don't."  "They are the scriptures. Do you know what the scriptures say?" "What do they say honey?" "Trust Jesus!"  What a profound statement from the mouth of a child.  That is truly what we must do.  Trust Jesus.  That is oftentimes easier said, than done, but as we do so, things will work out as they should.  Then Elder Hales got up and began by saying something like, "We sing the primary hymn, 'I am a Child of God'.  Do you really believe that?"  He then encouraged us to believe that.  Everything he talked about tied back into that message.  Heavenly Father really is our loving Heavenly Father.  He really does love us and wants what is best for us. We have to remember that.  If we can understand that, then it will mean all the difference in the world.  Wow.  The closing song was "We thank thee O God for a Prophet."  How truly grateful I am that we have a living Prophet and living Apostles on the earth today.  That is truly a remarkable and Wonderful truth.  What a Wonderful Halloween it has been!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a Week!

Well, does it get any better than having your brother go through the temple and then have your sister go in to the MTC?  If it does, it can not be by much!  I am super excited that Hillary is going to be able to serve a mission.  Her first letter came this week and she seems super excited and I am excited for her.  I am grateful I am able to work at the MTC and still see her every now and again.  Jacob will also be a great missionary.  He is super excited for Tonga and checked out 4 books this week on Tonga.  He has a really good personality and is gets along well with people.  He will be great.  In addition to all these happenings, I had 3 tests this week and all things considered, I think they went well.  I have another test coming up this next week, so there is no rest for the weary.  Halloween is coming up and I am pretty excited about that.  I am still debating about what I should be.  Whatever it is, it will be fun.  Well, I know that is a lot of events and I could write more, I just feel that this is enough for now.  So, there you go.  Remember, life is wonderful, look for the good in the world, and Jesus Christ lives!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just a Weekly Message

Nothing particularly over the top exciting for this week.  I had two exams and was able to do pretty well on them.  I have another one coming up this week.  We'll see how that goes.  I will have to take it before I come home on Friday for my sister Hillary's going on a mission talk.  She will be preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ for 18 months in the wonderful country of Lisbon Portugal.  How exciting for her.  She will be an amazing missionary.  I am excited for her, but also saddened.  I will miss her but know that she will be doing the Lord's work.  My brother Jacob received a mission call this week to go to the island of Tonga.  How great is that! He leaves in January and again, I will be sad to see him go, but feel that he will be an amazing missionary.  What an exciting time for my family.  I love them very much and am so grateful for them.  I need to tell them that more often.  This past weekend (the first weekend of October) we had General Conference where the Prophet and 12 Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke to the world.  You can see what they said on  Their messages were great.  I particularly liked what Elder Holland shared about the individual.  The Lord truly is concerned with the individual.  It is all about the one.  In 3 Nephi 11 (a book in the Book of Mormon) it talks of Jesus Christ's visit to the Americas after his resurrection.  It says that the people went to feel the prints in his feet, hands, and side, but they did so "one by one."  What a powerful message that is.  Salvation is a personal, one on one experience.  I know that is true and I hope I am not sounding too preachy, I just feel very strongly about that and wanted to share that with everyone who reads this blog.  Jesus Christ lives and I just think that is wonderful!

Continue in Patience

This was a great talk by Elder Uchtdorf about patience. How we all could use a bit more of that in our live. The Lord will fulfill His promises, but oftentimes it will happen in His time, not ours.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wer war der Prophet Joseph Smith

This is a really cool website about the Prophet Joseph Smith and it is is German! Even better!