Monday, April 26, 2010

School's out! oh wait...

Well, this week I finished up my classes for Winter 2010. Yay! I think it will turn out ok, grade wise. It has been nice to not have to worry about classes for a little while, but tomorrow Spring Classes begin again. Wahoo! I am taking Physiology and Statistics. That should be enough to keep me busy. I also got my first district of missionaries on Wednesday. They are all going to Hamburg and I think will be the last group of Missionaries that will have President and Sister Thompson as their Mission President. It is crazy to think that President and Sister Thompson are going to be coming home so soon. It will be great to see them again. With the beginning of a new semester, there is a big turnover of people moving out and into my apartment complex (Foreign Language Student Residency). Yesterday at church we only had about 30 people and will max out in spring at 74. 12 apartments were closed, but it should still be fun. There are a lot of things to do here in summer what with all the trails for hiking or riding bikes. It will be fun as well as challenging to manage my time as best I can. Ashlyn was baptized on Saturday, but I still have not seen her since then. Oh, well. I am planning on driving down with Aunt Melissa on Friday and driving back on Sunday. So it will be a quick weekend trip down to California. Life is going well, Janae is amazing. She baked cookies that we were able to take to Ashlyn's little party on Saturday. I guess that is about it for this week. I hope everyone is doing well and remember, come what may and love it. It really is a Wonderful Life!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I know, I know, finally!!

Well, I have not joined the ranks of Facebook, but I have decided to give blogging a try. We will see how this goes, I would ask for patience as I am not very good at this yet. Basically, I am setting this blog up because I am not as good at keeping contact as I should be and figure this can give family, friends, really whoever would like to, the opportunity to see what is new and exciting in my life. Most of all, I hope to be able to just share with everyone how wonderful life is. God lives and even though times are sometimes tough, I believe that He watches over us always. So I guess we will see how this goes. Love you all!