Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quick Note

Its late, I have class tomorrow, and I should go to bed. But I just wanted to say that I am grateful for the Temple.  It is such a blessing to know that the ordinances that are performed there allow us as families to be together forever.  I know that that is possible.  I know that there are hardships and trials that we face in this life and that we can overcome them and learn from them.  That doesn't mean they aren't hard or that we should look for hardships or trials, but I know they can be overcome.  Life is truly wonderful.  Don't you forget it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long overdue Post

Well, here we are, daylight savings is approaching and I have not written but one time the entire year.  Sorry for that.  I still think life is wonderful, it just gets busy sometimes.  Jacob is now in Tonga, Hillary is in Portugal, Mom, Dad and Ellen are  The Semester has been a good one.  I have been staying busy with school and work.  I have a great district of 8 Elders all headed to Berlin.  They are full of life and love for the Gospel.  Speaking of love, Russell T.Osguthorpe spoke yesterday and it was all about motivation.  He said love has to be our motivation in all that we do.  What would the world be like if we were only motivated by love?  What an interesting question.  It certainly would be a more wonderful place.  I think that is all I will write for today, but I will make an effort to be more regular in my writing.  Until next time, remember that life is indeed wonderful!!!